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Client APIs

Author: Sora Suegami

Our client implementation currently provides the following CLI commands.

CLI Commands

register initDirPath

Create a new user account and the user's initial directory under the root directory.

  • Inputs:
    1. initDirPath: A file path of the initial directory.
  • Example: register /data1

Note: Before running the following commands, you must create a user account with this command!

touch filePath

Create a new file with an empty contents.

  • Inputs:
    1. filePath: A file path.
  • Example: touch /data1/test.txt

mkdir dirPath

Create a new directory.

  • Inputs:
    1. dirPath: A directory path.
  • Example: mkdir /data1/subdata

cat filePath

Retrieve a text in the file located in the given file path.

  • Inputs:
    1. filePath: A file path.
  • Example: cat /data1/test.txt

modify filePath text

Modify the file contents located in the given file path with the given text.

  • Inputs:
    1. filePath: A file path of the file to be modified.
    2. text: A text written in the file.
  • Example: modify /data1/test.txt Hello!

ls dirPath

Retrieve a childlen file paths under the given file path.

  • Inputs:
    1. dirPath: A directory path.
  • Example: ls /data1

find dirPath

Retrieve a descendent file paths under the given file path.

  • Inputs:
    1. dirPath: A directory path.
  • Example: find /data1


Exit the CLI.